New Castle County, the involvement level by civic associations
and civic umbrella groups is institutionalized. Although lacking
home rule or the ability to seek certain kinds of grants (snow
removal reimbursement and county community governing grants being
exceptions to the rule), the civic associations and civic umbrella
groups meet monthly with the County Executive as a sort of "kitchen
cabinet". This formal interaction was established at my suggestion
upon my election in 1996. In part due to the lobbying power and
involvement of the civic community, the New Castle County Unified
Development Code (NCC UDC) was enacted over the opposition of some
elements of the business community.
However, some elements of the civic community do not share the
vision of the entire scope of the New Castle County Comprehensive
Plan and have heretofore prevented necessary revisions to the
NCC UDC in order to meet the objectives of our Comprehensive
Plan. (e.g. testimony by some citizens before the County Planning
Board opposing removal of the current 3.319 procedure indicated
opposition to townhouses in southern New Castle County since
the "wrong kind of people" would live in those townhouses.)
These objectives include: (1) mixing of land uses to create a
better sense of place within one's community; (2) encouraging
more compact building and lot design as an alternative to conventional
land consumptive development; (3) providing a range of housing
opportunities an choices for people of all income levels; (4)
creating walkable integrated neighborhoods where one can live,
shop, work, play, pray and school our children without requiring
the use of a single occupancy vehicle; (5) encouraging community
design which incorporates both the natural and man-made environment
to create unique and interesting neighborhoods; (6) preserving
open space for important community space, habitat for plants
and animals, recreational activities, and for critical environmental
areas; (7) directing development towards existing areas already
served or planned to be served by infrastructure; (8) providing
for a variety of transportation choices including pedestrian,
bike, transit and road facilities; (9) providing development
regulations that are predictable, fair and cost effective; and
(10) creating an atmosphere that encourages citizen participation
and values those opinions.
The genesis of community empowerment in New Castle County can
be traced to the State's divergent treatment of New Castle County
in contrast to its treatment of Kent and Sussex Counties. Whereas
the State mandated that each New Castle County subdivision be
responsible for its own snow removal, the State or the towns
provide this service to subdivisions in Kent and Sussex County
to a much greater degree than in New Castle County. Residents
in New Castle County suburban subdivisions were therefore compelled
to organize, in the post World War II suburban sprawl period
of the 1950's, for the singular purpose of collecting money to
contract for snow removal. Once organized, these civic associations
began to function as "quasi-community governments" and
watchdog groups. The first suburban platted communities in New
Castle County were in Brandywine Hundred and so it was not surprising
that the first civic umbrella group, the Council of Civic Organizations
of Brandywine Hundred (CCOBH) was established in Brandywine Hundred
in the 1950's. Other civic umbrella groups in New Castle County,
modeled after CCOBH were established in the years since, such
as the Kennett Pike Association (KPA) and the Civic League for
New Castle County. Similar civic leadership never developed in
Kent and Sussex County to the extent it developed in New Castle
County because of this dissimilarity of treatment by the State
of Delaware. During the past 10 years some towns (as did the
counties) made imprudent decisions permitting poorly planned
suburban sprawl within the town limits.
Additionally, in the 1970's the DE State Fire Commission was
established in its current form empowering 7 autonomous commissioners
to promulgate and interpret state fire code regulations which
have not been updated and which regulations have de facto have
effectively "outlawed" the expansion of existing villages
and towns and prevented the establishment of new villages and
towns since the 1970's. There is an effort underway to provide
the State Fire Commission with information which will allow the
Commissioners to better understand that village building requires
the State Fire Commission's willingness to permit narrower streets
with on street parking which can be serviced with alternative
smaller sized fire vehicles. Without on street parking and narrower
pedestrian friendly village streets, new villages and towns cannot
be established and older villages and towns cannot expand. Villages
and towns elsewhere have permitted narrower streets with on street
parking and have not burned to the ground. Statistical analysis
has shown that jurisdictions that have adopted more progressive
fire codes are not subject to greater harm from fire. However,
jurisdictions which have adopted fire codes that facilitate on
street parking, narrower streets other business & pedestrian
friendly modifications have proven to be statistically safer
for pedestrians.
The State of Delaware must be willing to exercise its authority
over local government to assure that the State Comprehensive
Development Plan is not overridden by local decision-making.
Villages and towns can be semi-autonomous so long as the State
assures that growth is consistent with the principles of "Livable
Delaware". The State has been unable to muster the political
will to implement the principles of Livable Delaware to the extent
necessary to effectuate the principles of Smart Growth. All 3
counties have also lacked the requisite political will, to differing
In New Castle County a new model has emerged due to the adoption
of the "Hometown Overlay" Ordinance which I spearheaded
four years ago. The overlay zone permits semi-autonomous decision
making based upon a set of community endorsed design guidelines.
The guidelines also operate to create an "economic incentive
zone" where approvals are fast-tracked and flexibility in
design changes can take place more readily. The Hometown Overlay
Zone can also be combined with an incorporated not for profit
development corporation entity that can facilitate the application
and receipt of government grants. Thus the Claymont Renaissance
Development Corporation, in concert with the monthly meetings
of the Claymont Community Coalition, Claymont Design Review Advisory
Committee (the local planning board tasked with monitoring all
land use applications for consistency with the local design guidelines),
Claymont Historical Society, Claymont Business Owners Association,
and other groups ensure the benefits of local government without
the downside of the cost of paying for another level of government
or the downside of creating a town government that is permitted
to end-run the requirements of the State and County's Comprehensive
The "Claymont Renaissance" idealized build out plan
took 5 years to germinate and culminated in September 2005 in
the weeklong charrette under the guidance of the Torti Gallas
Group, the leading traditional neighborhood design firm in the
country. This successful public private partnership developed
strong community trust and support amongst the 500 citizens who
chose to become stakeholders and participants. The partnership
includes New Castle County, the State of Delaware, county, state
and federal elected officials, citizens and the business community.
The partnership has now been strengthened by the addition of
a key developer: the Commonwealth/Setting Group. There is a strong
understanding by stakeholders of the critical need for citizens
to take responsibility for their community while at the same
time working collaboratively within the principles and guidelines
of the State and County Comprehensive Plans. Thus, the mechanism
of the Hometown Overlay Zone is coupled with oversight by the
State and County to assure consistency with the Comprehensive
Plans of both jurisdictions.
Democracy is inefficient but it is better than all other alternatives,
to paraphrase the oft-quoted observation. The formation and growth
of villages and towns should be encouraged but must be tempered
with regional comprehensive planning and oversight. We need to
find ways to assure that decision making by fragmented towns
and villages does not destroy the ability of the larger community
to effectively function. For example, decisions by Middletown
to permit substandard housing and suburban sprawl patterns of
development have had far reaching deleterious consequences that
extend well beyond the town limits. Towns and villages ought
not be be able to circumvent regional transportation strategies
by imprudent and shortsighted land use decisions. Towns and villages
need to be required to plan in close cooperation with County
and State governments which ultimately have much of the responsibility
of underwriting the cost of the infrastructure both within and
outside the town limits.
I thank you for taking the time to consider my additional thoughts.
Best wishes.
Bob Weiner
M E M O R A N D U M,
From: Neal I Payton, AIA, Torti Gallas and Partners, Inc.
Date: August 12, 2005
Re: Conflicts between Delaware State Fire Prevention Regulations
and Livable Delaware
Current interpretations of Delaware regulations covering creation
of Fire lanes, make it effectively, impossible to create a traditional “Main
Street” with parking (diagonal or parallel), as illustrated
in the Livable Delaware booklet. Furthermore, these interpretations
make it equally impossible to create secondary streets with parking
on one or both sides in front of residential buildings. This
is not merely an “aesthetic” problem, but one that
will prevent the revitalization and redevelopment of many older
areas of Delaware into vibrant mixed-use town centers. The conflict
grows out of the interpretation that statewide requirements for
primary fire lanes (24’ clear) allowing for no parking
in front of all primary entrances to buildings over 10,000 sf.
are relevant to new town center developments. Not only is the
prohibition of parking at issue, but the width of these fire
lanes is excessive and encourages speeding.
Proposed Solutions:
1). Chapter 1-2 Required Access For Fire Apparatus And
Fire Department states:
1-2.1 All premises which the fire department may be called upon
to protect in case of fire and which are not readily accessible
from public roads [emphasis mine] shall provided with suitable
gates, access roads, and fire lanes so that all buildings on
the premises are accessible to fire apparatus.
One would reasonably infer from this paragraph that where premises
are accessible from public roads, the provision for fire lanes
is not required. However in two recent planning proposals in
the state (one in Sussex County and one in New Castle County)
this option and/or interpretation was not provided, therefore,
revise as per the following “...which are not readily
accessible from existing or new public roads…”
2) Add a boxed discussion A-1-2.1 stating explicitly that premises
that are served by public roads whether new or existing, shall
not be subject to the provision for fire lanes. This explanation
should remove the apparent ambiguity that exists within the regulations.
3) On private roadways, allow sprinkled buildings to have one
primary and one secondary fire lane, (even where the building
is determined to have more than one primary entrances) with the
secondary fire lane corresponding to the front street and the
primary fire lane to be along the other primary entrance. According
the regulations, secondary fire lanes can be a minimum of 16’ in
width and one row of parking is permitted between a secondary
fire lane and the building (Par 5-4.7). This would seem to be
how existing streets are treated at present and would satisfy
the vision of Livable Delaware.
The fire lane regulations in question come from the Delaware
State Fire Prevention Regulations Part V, Chapter 1: General
Fire Safety Requirements, and Chapter 5: Standard For
The Marking, Identification, And Accessibility Of Fire Lanes,
Exits ,Fire
Hydrants, Sprinkler, And Standpipe Connections.
A “fire lane,” as defined in the code, “provides
unobstructed access to a building for Fire Department apparatus
and any other emergency vehicles at all times.”
Primary fire lanes are defined as being 24’ in width and “no
parking shall be permitted between a primary fire lane and the
building.” Most importantly, paragraph 5-5.1 spells out
the location of fire lanes,
“Primary fire lanes shall
be required to run along the ‘front
of the building’ [emphasis mine] as determined by the
primary entrance/exit, windows, balconies, etc. In cases where
is more than one primary entrance/exit, each shall be served
by a primary fire lane even if this exceeds the accessibility
percentage as required in Table 5-7.”
On traditional “Main Streets,” one is likely to
find the bulk of available parking in the rear with parallel
or diagonal parking on the street considered to be “teaser
parking,” minimal, short term parking that allows for the
viability of businesses requiring in and out convenience (e.g.,
dry cleaners, video rental, coffee, etc.). In such environment
one might find to find two entrances to some of the larger stores,
one on the parking side and one on the street side, or might
find entrances to offices and/or residences above from the back
and retail from the front. The multifaceted aspect of these building
renders them as having two primary entrances according Paragraph
5-5.1 Corner buildings could have even more.
Torti Gallas and Partners has been involved with two recent
Delaware planning charrettes, involving mixed-use town centers,
(one in Sussex County and the other in New Castle County) and
in both cases, representatives of the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s
office have attended meetings in which the requirement for primary
fire lanes was called out with a clear indication that anything
less than a primary fire lane in front of all retail and residential
building over 10,000 square feet would be unacceptable.
When asked, how can new buildings on existing streets be allowed
parking in front of them, for example in downtown Wilmington,
Dover, Lewes or Rehoboth Beach? The response in both cases was
that prohibitions in front of “Main Street” oriented
buildings apply to new buildings on new streets, only. Thus,
a new building on an existing street would not necessitate the
removal of parking in the front.
Yet there’s nowhere in the regulations where this is clearly
spelled out. The code does differentiate between new and existing
buildings (Par 5-1.3.5 and 5-1.3.6), but not new and existing
streets. This is an interpretation of the regulation,
and not a literal reading of the regulation. The interpretation of the
code in this way assumes that either:
a) New buildings will be surrounded by parking lots (as in the
typical suburban commercial development), or that
b) Where new structures are arranged so as to create town centers,
all roadways are private; and/or that
c) In Paragraph 1-2.1 where the regulations state: “are
not readily accessible from public roads” that the word “existing” is
implied in front of the words public road.
A further note, the requirement for 24’ clear on all primary
fire lanes (in new communities, that would be all streets on
which there are fronting multi-family buildings over 10,000 square
feet) encourages excess speed such that the same Delaware State
Fire Regulations actually permit speed bumps (to reduce vehicle
speed.” (Par 5-4.6)
It is possible that upon further discussion on this issue, it
will be argued that no change is necessary, as the Fire Marshal
always has the ability to use his/her discretion in modifying
the requirements of this section as per the paragraphs below:
5-1.3.4* Where, in the opinion
of the State Fire Marshal, an occupancy’s
fire protection features are such that fire lanes do not contribute
to the overall level of life safety and/or
property conservation, the State Fire Marshal may modify the
requirements of this Chapter. Such occupancies shall be identified
on a case by case basis and listed by the State Fire Marshal.
A-5-1.3.4 The intent of this section is
to allow the State Fire Marshal, on a case by case basis, to
modify the fire lane requirements
based on the occupancy’s site configuration, building size
and construction, occupancy classification, and internal features
of fire protection, such as fire alarm signaling and fire suppression
However, in the two separate instances in meetings with the
State Fire Marshal’s office, referenced above it was stated
that absolutely nothing could be done about these regulations
and that even if the Fire Marshal agreed with the arguments being
put forward regarding the necessity for parking along Main Street,
there was nothing to be done, as the regulations were quite clear.
Yet, as clear as the regulations are, no one offered the observation
that if the streets were public the fire lane requirement would
not be applicable
Furthermore, in both cases cited above, no indication was given
that such discretion on the part of the State Fire Marshal was
even possible, let alone, likely. Hence, one could conclude that
these paragraphs are inadequate to the task.
In both cases, the Fire Marshal’s representative argued
that relief from the fire lane provision could be found in with
Table 5-7 which provides for percentages of perimeter accessibility.
Note 3 of Table 5-7 provides for a 50% reduction in perimeter
accessibility requirements for most building types to from 100%
to 50% for the densest structures (i.e., multi-family over 50’ in
height and businesses over 26’ in height) However, as one
reads this, provision it provides no relief from the Fire Lane
requirement (with the exception of 5-1.3.4 - see discussion of
this below).
SmartCode Implementation
Parallel Ordinance – SmartCode exists as an option that
can be applied to any lands slated for annexation (n/a for New
Castle County).
Hybrid Ordinance – Under this scenario, the requirements
of UDC Zones are rolled into the SmartCode document as Special
Districts. SmartCode is mandatory, with UDC Zones preserved as
Special Districts. As special districts, the County may choose
to roll-up zones that can more properly be expressed as Transect
Floating (Overlay) Zone – Under this scenario, a Sector
Scale Plan recommends the location of SmartCode communities,
with SmartCode replacing the underlying UDC Zoning once a Community-Scale
plan is approved. Under this scenario, SmartCode becomes mandatory
only for those areas that the developer/ applicant has chosen,
but reverts to the previous zone should the applicant bail out
of the project.