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Councilman Weiner Reappointed Co-Chair NCCo Economic Development Committee

Community News 2/23/07 

County Council chooses committee officials

By Jesse Chadderdon
Staff Reporter

The New Castle County Council has elected new committee chairmen and chairwomen.

Each of the council’s seven committees will be co-chaired by two of the council’s 13 members.

The slate, approved by an 8-3 vote, is as follows:

•Community Services: Councilman Penrose Hollins (D-WilmingtonNorth); Councilman William Powers (Middletown West)

•Administration and Finance: Councilman George Smiley (D-New Castle); Councilman William Tansey (R-Greenville)

•Land Use: Councilwoman Stephanie Mc-Clellan (D-Newark); Councilman David Tackett (D-Christiana)

•Economic Development: Councilman Joseph Reda (D-Elsmere); Councilman Robert Weiner (R-Chatham)

•Special Services:  Councilman John Cartier (D-Penny Hill); Councilman Timothy Sheldon (D-Pike Creek)

•Executive/Personnel Committee: Council President Paul Clark; Council President Pro-Tempore Penrose Hollins

The three dissenting votes came from Bell, Powers and Tackett who raised concerns over the lack of a representative from the southern portion of the county in the Land Use committee’s leadership.

"Councilman Powers and I represent an area of the county designated to the future growth area, and I’m concerned that that area of the county is not represented," Bell said.

Clark said he had six council members express interest in chairing the Land Use Committee.

"All our committees are committees of a whole," he said. "The chair cannot be the king. Everyone has the chance to participate and make their voices heard."

McClellan, newlyelected to council in November, said she was surprised at how much controversy there was over committee assignments.

"I don’t understand the role of the chair as someone who controls the agenda or keeps others from participating," she said. "In my view, being the chair is all about facilitating and getting the group’s ideas to the table."

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  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
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"I’d like to express my appreciation to Councilman Bob Weiner who exhibits strength, determination and fortitude and is always on the side of the people. I followed Bob’s actions when he was head of CCOBH's zoning committee and made strong efforts to try to stop the Brandywine Town Center construction. He has continued with energy and zeal in many pivotal positions in spite of enduring a lot of negative professional and personal attacks. I appreciate that he is never deterred."

Judy Magee

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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