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Historical note about Brandywine HS when it was a farm and a thank you note from John Day [50th Anniversary of Brandywine HS]

Dear Councilman Bob:
Surely hope things are going very well for you.  First, I want to say thank you so much for getting together the meeting at the Library at the parkland on February 23, 2008, and the meeting at Brandywine High School on May 17, 2008.  You did a great job!  All the people I spoke to said it was all most interesting and would hope to do it again.
I am sorry for not writing you sooner, just been a busy summer with yard work in the veggie garden and up and down to the beach house.
Sharon showed me an email about the 50th anniversary of Brandywine High School in October and mentioned the fact that you were interested in learning if the school is on land formerly owned by the Day family.
The State of Delaware got that land (40-45 acres) when William F. Bartsch died in the early 1950s.  I think I was overseas at the time.  How the state got the land, I'm not sure.  I don't know if Bartsch had a will, or what.  He was never married.  Anyway, I think Bartsch bought the land after 1882, when the Bartsch family came to America.
So, if Francis Day in 1807 sold 50+ acres to his son, Benjamin, that would be 50 acres toward Shelpot Creek, and the 50 acres around Brandywine High School remained in Francis Day's possession.
Then around 1818, Francis Day was shot and died from the gunshot wound.  So I don't know...  Bartsch may have bought the land from Francis Day's son, Benjamin, or Benjamin's son, John Day.
Anyway, the land Brandywine High School is sitting on was originally Francis Day's land.
Councilman Bob, I trust this all makes some sense.
John (Jack) Day

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State Senator Cathy Cloutier

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