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NCCo's revised budget includes $11.5 million in cuts, 25% property tax hike; vote is on May 26 - Community News

By Jesse Chadderdon
Community News

Wilmington, Del. —

The budget New Castle County Council will be voting on at its May 26 meeting is taking its final shape.

Cuts to employee's salaries, layoffs, and a deferment of the county's pension contributions will save the county $5.3 million more than was projected when County Executive
Chris Coons first proposed his budget on March 17.

About 1,000 county employees took salaries cuts of 5 percent, while nine paramedics and an undisclosed number of police face layoffs unless the county and FOP can strike an eleventh hour deal.

If approved by council, the county's 2010 operating budget will be $228 million, $11.5 million smaller than 2009's spending plan.

The budget also includes a 25 percent property tax increase.

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Latest News:
  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"We’re very excited that Bob has agreed to serve on Delaware Greenways’ Advisory Board. His passion, energy and commitment to open space and smart growth initiatives provide a great strategic fit for our organization."

Mark Chura
Executive Director of Delaware Greenways

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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