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Councilman Bob Weiner Introduces Legislation To Broadcast All New Castle County Council Meetings

Wilmington, DE  Recently, as part of County Executive Gordon’s Open Government Initiative, the executive branch announced its decision to broadcast the County Planning Board and Board of Adjustment public meetings on NCCTV; available on Comcast Channel 22 and Verizon Channel 29.

After pre-filing the legal titles to his legislative package, Councilman Robert S. Weiner, whose council district includes the residents of Brandywine Hundred west, Greenville and Centreville, announced: “County Council has the power to telecast all County Council government hearings. It is now time that County Council exercise this power”.

On December 20, 2013 Councilman Weiner filed two Resolutions with the Office of Clerk of Council. If approved by County Council, telecasting of public hearings would expand to include all County Council public meetings and hearings; thus building upon the Gordon Administration’s recent initiative.

Councilman Weiner initially discussed a package of his legislative concepts with County Executive Tom Gordon and CAO David Grimaldi immediately after the County Executive’s November 2012 election. Included in Weiner’s initiatives was a plan to telecast all Council public meetings. “Bob has been crafting, reviewing and redrafting his legislative package with Tom and me regularly for over a year,” Chief Administrative Officer Grimaldi added.   

“The public has a right to both observe and determine if their elected officials are maintaining the highest standards of ethical behavior and fiscal prudence.  It is now economically and practically feasible to broadcast County Council proceedings at a nominal cost due to advancements in modern technology” stated Weiner.

“Real-time broadcasting, coupled with convenient on demand public meeting viewing of our county government in action will strengthen the public’s awareness and engagement in local decision-making; thus promoting our county government’s efficiency, effectiveness and  fiscal prudence”, Weiner added.

Weiner has formally requested that his legislation be reviewed by New Castle County Council members at its regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting, scheduled for Tuesday January 14, 2014 at 4 pm in the 8th floor council conference room, in the City/County Building, 800 North French Street in Wilmington. The legislation could be voted upon and approved at the County Council’s regularly scheduled meeting that evening at 7 pm in Council’s first floor Chambers. All Council meetings are open to the public. Public comment is welcome.

Councilman Weiner’s legislative package will be available at prior to the 1/14/14 meetings, upon posting by the Office of Clerk of Council.


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  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"I am continually astounded at Councilman Bob Weiner’s ability to keep on top of everything and be so thorough; bringing his extensive knowledge to bear in a clear and productive manner. I and others I know appreciate his vigilance and guidance on our behalf. "

Judy Magee

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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