James Hanby, John Day, Paul Clark, Bob Weiner, Chris Durgin [John Day's grandson] at the 4/10/11 Formal Unveiling of Harlan Day Drive sign, Talley Day Park

Councilman Weiner addressing audience at April 10, 2011 Harlan Day Drive naming with family members John Day, Sharon Day Lynch and Chris Durgin

On January 4, 2011, Councilman Bob Weiner spoke to the 4th Grade Webelos from Cub Scout Troop 67 in Brandywood Elementary School as a part of their citizenship requirement. He explained the difference between state and county government as well as his work with Brandywine Hundred civic associations. Councilman Weiner also highlighted ways the cub scouts can serve their community. Justin O'Toole, one of the cub scouts, said, "I learned about community service and that we can help by cleaning up parks, adopting a highway, and taking down graffiti." Councilman Weiner also shared important phone numbers for county services such as the emergency sewer hotline and the park services. Before departing, he encouraged the boys to continue to play an active role in their community.