Carl Streed (facing the camera) describes life on his family's
farm to County Executive Thomas Gordon and Councilman Robert
Weiner during a tour of the property. Parts of the barn behind
Streed date to the early 1800s.
of the last working farms in Brandywine Hundred will be preserved
in order to give future generations a glimpse of the area's agricultural
The property owned by the late Evald and Eleanor Streed off Wilson
Road is to be part of the Cloutier Complex in Talley-Day Park .
The farm was acquired as replacement for parkland being used for
the new county library off Foulk Road .
Jon Husband, a manager in the New Castle County special services
department, said a determination how the farm will be 'interpreted'
has not yet been made nor is there a timetable for opening the
10-acre tract to public access. But he added that, in general
terms, it is slated to become both a nature-education and an
historic resource.
"It is going to be preserved in a way that will enable
our children and their children and grandchildren to share in
our proud farming tradition while enjoying open space," said
Second District County Councilman Robert Weiner, who has played
a prominent role in advancing the three-prong development of
the park complex..
Nearing completion are several active-recreation components,
including basketball, tennis and bocce courts, picnic area, playground
and a dog-roaming area. Construction of the building which will
house 'New Castle County Library - Brandywine Hundred' -- as
the new library is to be known -- is somewhat ahead of schedule
as a result of the mild winter. It expected to be finished by
the end of 2002 and furnished and equipped for use during the
first half of 2003, Husband said.
The Streed property will provide a distinct counterpoint to the
intensive uses in the rest of the park, he added. The two areas
will be separated by a hedge row and a permanent storm water management
pond landscaped as a water feature. There will be no vehicle access
between the areas, but they will be connected by paved footpaths.
"It will be very unusual to have this very serene property
adjacent to a very well developed park," Husband said.
County Executive Thomas Gordon said the idea is to create a
multi-purpose facility under county auspices for Brandywine Hundred
that will be comparable to Carrousel Park in the Pike Creek area.
He and several others got a first-hand insight into the farm
and farm life on a recent tour arranged by Weiner and conducted
by Husband and Carl Streed, Evald's brother. He, too, grew up
there, moving away when he and his wife, Evelyn, were married
in 1947. Evelyn Streed also participated in the tour. They now
live in Haddonfield , N.J.
The Streed brothers' father, also Carl, bought the farm in 1911
from John Warren. The original farmhouse burned down and was
replaced in 1928 by the existing house where Evald lived until
shortly before his death last autumn. There are several other
farm outbuildings on the property, including a barn, parts of
which are believed to date back to about 1820.
Neither the senior Carl Streed nor Evald Streed were full-time
farmers. The former kept his job at the Pullman Co. railroad
car factory in Wilmington and the latter retired as a vice president
of Delmarva Power & Light Co., now Conectiv Power. Evald
Streed was responsible for the stringing of high tension lines
across the Delaware River from the Salem , N.J. nuclear generating
The first generation was what was known as truck farmers. The
present Carl Streed recalled riding with his mother, Annie, as
she sold vegetables and fruit along a so-called huckster route
through several Wilmington neighborhoods. What is now known as
Wilson road was then a narrow dirt road known as Bird Road .
A wood-plank bridge spanned Shellpot Creek, which courses by
the farm, he said.
He recalled by name the families which lived on farms along
the road. Those properties have given way to suburban development
and, in fact, part of the Streed property was sold and is now
the Nordic Dell community. "Had the county not acted this
would all have become [residential] development," Weiner
Most of the Streeds' outside activities were in the city. They
made regular trips into town for shopping and recreation. He
and his brother attended Wilmington High School and the family
belonged to the Swedish Baptist church on Vandever Avenue , the
predecessor of the present Grace Baptist.
The Streeds are of Swedish heritage but unconnected with the
original Swedish settlements in the Delaware Valley. When their
father emigrated from Scandinavia he went first to Minnesota
"He used to say that he arrived in this country with an
overcoat and $10 and that, shortly after he got here, somebody
stole the overcoat," Carl Streed said.
Interestingly enough, the elder Carl Streed began life as Carl
Ericksen. His son explained that, when he entered the Swedish
army, a sergeant 'named' him Strid to avoid confusion with several
other Ericksens. That is a common surname in his homeland.
"When he came through Ellis Island, a clerk wrote it down
as 'Streed' because that's how the pronunciation sounded," he
Having had changes imposed by agents of two governments, the
final family name is likely to be preserved for many years to
come. Gordon said the farm portion of the park will continue
to bear it.
2002. All rights reserved.
Delaforum article: Streed Farm on
Wilson Road in Brandywine Hundred saved by New Castle County